Welcome To JasonRanney.com!

This site was created for you -my valued customers! It's intent is to provide an easy way for you to access to important information that you need at your finger tips at a moment's notice.
Please note that even though I am a Wheeler/J.J. Haines employee, this site is no way supported by Wheeler or J.J. Haines. If something is incorrect or out of date -it's all on me! In other words... please use at your own risk!
Haines Connect
JJ Haines is proud to introduce their new and improved B2B website! This site allows Wheeler customers access to "real-time" inventory, online bill payment and much, much more! Click here --->>Haines Connect to sign up!
Latest News!
Mirage Mill Trip Dates Soon To Be Posted
For those of you that couldn’t make it on the Mirage Mill Trip this year, start looking at your schedules for next May. This trip will be the first of three or four we’ll embark on in 2015. As soon as I have the dates, I’ll post. Don’t miss out…
This site allows you to order samples quickly and easily.
Anderson Drops
Please remove Anderson’s Virginia Vintage’s Antique Linen from your displays.